Quotes from the Movie The Cure

No, I'm working on my mud fort. What are you doing?


I'd wait until you're finished and then I'd continue working on my mud fort.


I'd try to stop you but I'd probably wouldn't be able to. I'm not very big.


Hmm. She must be some kind of genius.


Well, my doctor's really smart - he says he has no idea what happens to people after they die. If your grandmother knows she must be a genius.


Well, if you look at the lower limit at what's considered normal for my age - I'm only four inches smaller.


It seems to me that the depth of the water would be the key. Obviously in the middle of the ocean the shark would win and on dry land the lion would win. So, how much water are we talking about?


I've been wondering about something. Where do bugs go to the bathroom?


Dear mom, I've gone with Erik, but I've brought along my medicine so there's no reason to worry. We plan to be careful and sensible. Whatever you do, make sure you remember to tape Star Wars, 8 PM, channel 5. I love you very much. Sincerely, Dexter.


Hey! What would you do if I come over there and whooped your ass?


You mean you'd just let me beat you up?


Well, in that case it'll only take five seconds.


My grandmother says you're going to hell. She says you'll suffer external torture from a billion flames, hotter than the center of the sun.


...because I did research on it at Stanford University; shark won easily.


I ain't a homo - and neither is he. He got it from a blood transfusion.


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